Use "snore|snores" in a sentence

1. His snore disturbed our sleep.

2. 4 How frightful to have a husband who snores!

3. He soon fell asleep and began to snore.

4. His loud snore kept me awake.

5. Presently, Pete began to snore.

6. A measured, muffled snore issued from Aunt Polly's chamber.

7. Supporting that sound of debility and failure there were orchestrated snores.

8. She does not snore, she is nasally repetitive.

9. Each indrawn breath was a little throaty snore.

10. Uncle Arthur, after a loud snore, woke suddenly.

11. He stirred slightly and began to snore softly.

12. I heard a snore and knew he'd fallen asleep.

13. Invectively criticize virosis Animalises florentine murderously snakiest snores Bengt horrified immovably perspectival sinecures

14. 19 Supporting that sound of debility and failure there were orchestrated snores.

15. 17 The coroner turned, belched, and quietly began to snore.

16. His head fell forward and he began to snore.

17. The coroner turned, belched, and quietly began to snore.

18. He curled down in the weeds and soon began to snore.

19. Unless you snore or walk or breathe or squint a lot.

20. If you snore, it's better not to sleep on your back.

21. British Bulldogs rarely bark but snore, snort, wheeze, grunt, and snuffle instead

22. Laugh and the world laughs with you ; snore and you sleep alone.

23. Antonyms for Allurers include bores, drag, dullards, yawns, snoozes, snoozefests, snores, snorefests, yawnfests and bother

24. Then they closed and she turned over and began to snore lightly.

25. Smurfberry Baccates love to sleep and snore loudly with the pregnant the loudest

26. Smurfberry Baccates love to sleep and snore loudly with the pregnant the loudest.

27. Brachycephalic breeds also snore and tend to gasp for air after running or walking

28. The only sound was her father's heavy breathing, occasionally broken by a snore.

29. According to his habit, he turned his back upon her and began to snore.

30. If you sleep on your back with your mouth open you are likely to snore.

31. When he had satisfied himself, he got back into bed and began to snore very loudly.

32. 23 For a long time he lay awake, feeling the vibration of Garvey's snores clear through the trembling planks.

33. He rolls away from Marjorie, who, now lying on her back, begins to snore faintly.

34. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone. Anthony Burgess 

35. 16 Results: 12 cases snore crucials disappear, 8 cases without mouth breathing, 3 cases improved rhinorrhea.

36. They look to Goldie to support them, but her head droops, and she adds no comment but a snore.

37. Confusion was ungodly, the hour was ungodly, and Barnabas had lately begun to snore in an alternate bass and baritone.

38. It is estimated that 10 to 30 percent of adults snore and have no serious medical consequences as a result.

39. HENRI FABRE But what Afflicts me to-day, is not that I snore and sleep meanly and shabbily, like a paltry outcast

40. Unpersecuted Astrobiologies, snores essay writer cheap in ' rebel without a cause essay' place of herself said till conned, guaranteed inalterable experimentalist by world peace essays means of straighten out

41. 14 Research from Surrey University has found that women tend to let their partners snore, while men are more likely to give an admonitory prod.

42. Chop chop is the worst type of mindless horror movie, because instead of viewers reacting with screams or chills, viewers are more likely to react with yawns and snores There isn't one single

43. British Bulldogs rarely bark but snore, snort, wheeze, grunt, and snuffle instead. Bulldogs are a people-oriented, loyal and devoted watchdogs that love to nap by your side

44. Objective To make sure the obstructive changes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS) before and when they wear the snore guard by DR dual-energy subtraction technique.

45. Chugalugging pain pills with Diet Dr Pepper from the moment he awakened to the moment he passed out—and even in the middle of the night, after being startled to wakefulness by his own stertorous snores and otherworldly screams

46. Parents should be alerted that there may be a sleep breathing disorder if a child Breathes noisily at night, snores, sleeps with their mouth open (particularly with the head thrown back), has restless sleep, wakes frequently at night, wets the bed, grinds their teeth at night, …

47. Obstructive sleep apnea: Some children with enlarged tonsils and Adenoids snore and stop breathing for brief periods during sleep.As a result, oxygen levels in the blood may be low, and children may wake up frequently and be sleepy during the day

48. ‘Bleurgh—just opened the fridge and it smells of gone-off chicken’ ‘I can handle gore and everything but show me warts? Bleurgh!’ ‘Flowers, chocolates, jewellery, perfume, yawn, snore, Bleurgh: are typical Valentine's Day gifts beginning to feel a little bit tired?’